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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Smartwatches: Who Would Take The Crown , Apple, Samsung or Google?

It was indeed true when someone said that with every passing year, technology is getting smaller and cheaper. If it was smartphones and tablets that caught our fancy until last year, 2013 looks all set to take the trend from our palms and onto our wrists with the advent of smartwatches.
We’d first heard of Apple coming out with an iWatch, a wristwatch that could do everything that the iPhone could do, except in a smaller package. Not to be too left behind, then came the archrival Samsung announcing its ambitious project in the similar segment. In addition, we’ve been hearing rumors about LG and Google too busy working on their versions of the smartwatch. Oh, and did we mention that Microsoft too is making an Xbox watch?
Apple’s iWatch is expected to feature a curved glass surface with fingerprint scanning and possibly even Apple’s very own radio service. Maybe the iWatch could be among the first few of Apple’s devices to even come with NFC capabilities. And of course, there’s the health angle too – it can measure your pulse and keep a tab on the number of calories you burn when you workout.
Of course, we can’t say with certainty if any of the other smartwatches except those by Apple and Samsung could actually end up seeing the light of the day. They are indeed futuristic while just how useful these would be still remains to be seen.

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